
Coaching, playing and having fun together with our guests!!

On Wednesday, 07.06.2018,  Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących in Nidzica and the members of its FITS Erasmus+ project hosted the students of the Special Needs Educational Center (Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy im. Ks. Jana Twardowskiego) for a tutorial and a friendly game of one of the project’s sports – floor hockey.

During the meeting led by the members of  FITS Club our guests learned the basic rules of floor hockey, proper warm-up techniques, practiced  stickhandling drills (both individually and in teams) and accuracy shooting. The workshop ended with a spirited scrimmage between the teams of our guests and FITS members, with the final result being a 1-1 draw. The day was a success, both teams expressed the hope to work together and compete again in the future,  which we look forward to!