Rugby workshop and friendly game with guests from Special Needs Educational Center!

On Monday, 3rd June ZSO and members of FITS project were once again visited by a group of students from the Special Needs Educational Center (Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy im. Ks. Jana Twardowskiego), along with their PE teacher, Mr Jacek Zieliński, for a tutorial and a friendly game of one of the project’s sports – rugby.

During the meeting, led by the members of  FITS Club, our guests learned the basic rules of TAG (non-contact) rugby, practiced proper passing techniques (individually and in teams) and rules of basic gameplay. The workshop ended with a short scrimmage between the mixed teams of our  guests and FITS members. Everyone had a lot of fun and our guests expressed the hope to work together and in the future 😊


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